You know, of course, 1-outta-1 croaks, so why don’t you follow us Home to Heaven Above? Why don’t we have a BIG-ol, roxx-our-soxx (and whatever amount of Xs you desire), party-hardy celebrating our resurrection for many eons? I’ll be your faithfull servant, too, for however long you desire: Heaven TOTALLY kicks-ass for eternity. How do I know this fact? I saw it for a brief instant after our accident: pleasureNtreasure-beyond-measure. God bless you. _thewarningsecondcoming.com_
You know, of course, 1-outta-1 croaks, so why don’t you follow us Home to Heaven Above? Why don’t we have a BIG-ol, roxx-our-soxx (and whatever amount of Xs you desire), party-hardy celebrating our resurrection for many eons? I’ll be your faithfull servant, too, for however long you desire: Heaven TOTALLY kicks-ass for eternity. How do I know this fact? I saw it for a brief instant after our accident: pleasureNtreasure-beyond-measure. God bless you. _thewarningsecondcoming.com_