01 June 2011

Erratic, Luminous, Omen

erratic behavior
under luminous moon
constitutes bad omen

Walking in circles, Marissa's erratic behavior this evening was starting to worry even herself. Some people say a luminous full moon will cause people to act strangely, she says to herself, that's probably all it is. Somehow, that's not making her feel better. Plus, Joey wasn't here yet. It sure felt like a bad omen.

Three Word Wednesday CCXLIII
Erratic, Luminous, Omen

A tiny poem and a flash fiction. It felt right to do both.


  1. Look out for that crazy moon!

  2. Moon makes people do crazy things like the Wolves :-) But we love it anyway as poets and artists. Cheers.

  3. No wonder she feels insecure. If he's late he's not interested.

  4. Mary - lol
    Chris - the moon is a wonderful inspiration
    Rinkly - I thought maybe he's gone missing, but I was thinking along darker lines when I wrote it

  5. Good job! I stared at 3WW's prompt earlier today, but it defeated me. :)

  6. well done, especially liked the poem!

  7. Lovely poem and so true. I volunteered on a crisis hotline for ten years and everyone dreaded the full moon. Our call volume doubled and the content of some was a step beyond crazy.

  8. I really enjoyed all the poems I've read so far here. This one's really good, I appreciate the combination element here and the tie in, well done. Also the language used is very nice. Thanks for sharing:)

  9. Madeleine - sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't; that's life

    Fear - thank you

    li - thanks!

    earlybird - always nice to see yo

    Mary - glad you enjoyed it

    Grandma - even if there is nothing to the moon's light causing craziness, the pervasive cultural idea that it does can cause craziness of its own

    Fred - Thanks for stopping by! I really appreciate your compliments.

  10. Jess...I'm only just now getting around to reading others' responses to 3WW...I never read before I post, so that I can go wherever the three words take me. Seems these three words this week took us both to similar places!

    Spontaneous Haiku…and it’s not even a full moon!


  11. Great use of the words, I loved the poem and the little story has me worried about poor Joey

  12. Hi,
    Been trying to leave you a comment for a while now but I can't figure out how to do it with my google/blogger ID. Oh well, loved the haiku. I used to always write those for 3WW. The short was cool as well.

  13. Paula - you're right!

    Mind - Thanks. It's the first time I'd done a flash fiction sort of thing.

    Chris - My comment thing was busted for a couple days, I think. Seems to be working better now. I appreciate your perseverance.
