30 April 2011



Watch others come in
Adjust glasses
Cross legs
Lean back
Listen to instructions
Read instructions
Fill lit answer form with lots of information
Hope form is filled out correctly 
Listen to more instructions
Turn page
Read sample
Follow along with pencil
Reread sample
Read first question
Read next question
Read question
Look over answers
Cross out wrong ones
Stare at wall
Fill in bubble
Remember something
Fill in correct bubble
Keep reading
Uncross legs
Read question
Answer question
Read question
Answer question
Read question
Answer question
Turn page
Read question
Answer question
Read question
Answer question
Chcck time
Don't believe the clock is right
Know it is
Read question
Answer question
Read new instructions
Fidget with necklace
Read question
Answer question
Read question
Do math
Answer question
Read question
Answer question
Scratch head
Ask, "Why am I taking this?"
Remember: to get a job I'll actually like doing
Read question
Answer question
Read question
Answer question
Bite nails
Realize nail-biting is occurring
Stop nail-biting
Read question
Answer question
Read question
Answer question
Stretch neck
Read question
Read question
Answer question
Read question
Answer question
Read question
Answer question
Close test booklet
Hand in booklet amd answer sheet
Pray you did well
Wait for score

28 April 2011


Today's prompt from NaPoWriMo was to pick a poem in a language you don't know and 'translate' it. Look at the words and try to make some sense of them. A fun and interesting exercise. Used Poetry International Web to find a poem.


The habit is steady under a visit

but seek and fault, under water longing

the tank to swim further down

is altered hidden wedge: sameness

the glands from the brook. Our status gone wild
someone your betoken, gone ramming speed
within pasta, gone hook and not right.

Craziness and of stupidity from life and later

will is out to see, to oneself

four leaving all fat overgrown

sheaths sitting on my stool

and their heels going in circles.

- Esther Jansma, The Netherlands

De manier is steeds anders, een vuist

balt zich en valt, uit water lekt langzaam

de kanker van schimmels, maar daarna

is altijd hetzelfde weg: samenhang,

de glans van gebruik. Hier staat geen wand

zichzelf te betekenen, geen raam speelt

voor spiegel, geen hoek is nog recht.

Nutteloosheid is de schoonheid van verval en later

wil ik ook zo zijn, zo vanzelf

door leeftijd als gras overgroeid

scheef zitten in mijn stoel

en daar heel goed in zijn.


The manner is always different, a hand makes
a fist and falls, the cancer of moulds seeps
slowly out from the water, but afterwards
it's always the same that's missing: cohesion,

the shine of use. Here stands no wall
meaning a wall, no window is playing
at being a mirror, no corner is still straight.
Uselessness is the beauty of decay, and later

I, too, want to be like that, so naturally
overgrown by age, like grass,
sitting crooked in my chair
and being very good at that.

27 April 2011

Summer Day

How long is a day
in summer's doldrums and heat?
Too long. I like night.











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*May 31: Included in Jingle Poetry's Poetry Potluck for the week of May 29

26 April 2011

At least it started raining

It's rainy again
Third day in a row
Darker than it has been
And a bit more slow

The heat of summer
Fills up all the air
A lethargic bummer
Lots of skin being bared

New toy I got her
Dog's not up for playing
It could be hotter
At least it started raining

*May 5: Submitted to Thursday Poetry Rally Poetry Blog

*May 10: Thank you for The Perfect Poet Award!
Check out other winners here.
Check out my nominations here: The Tickly Turtle and The Silences of Words

25 April 2011

The Pivotal Moment

The pivotal moment:
Am I going to be here?
What will happen?
Made a profound impression.

Who we are as people was
built on important ideas:
sharing, being responsible,
and collective power.

People who were next to nothing
operating so much bigger.
That can really exist, even thrive.

Personal freedom.
I could create new meaning.

I have a full sense of myself.
I understand the imagined.
I'm committed to possibilities.
I want to move my body.

It's in motion.

Words selected from an old Independent Weekly newspaper. Found poetry is fun.

Explore Thinking

Explore thinking.
First, education.

The lecture:
"Perspectives of access to all levels of equality."

Classrooms increasing stress
and issues with current era.

Students required to master
knowledge of time.

Prepare students
for the world in which
we must acknowledge that
women are different.

Select words from a speech by the retiring president of my alma mater, Meredith College.

23 April 2011



Into the future I hope to see
A saving, defending knight
Helping secure prosperity.
I reflect on the moon's might
Asking guidance on this night
And knowing it has been too long
Since I last sung an evensong.

Stephen Hawes
The Passetyme

O mortal folk, you may behold and see
How I lie here, sometime a mighty knight;
The end of joy and all prosperity
Is death at least, through his course and might:
For though the day be never so long,
At last the bells ringeth to evensong.

Today's inspiration taken from an arbitrarily selected poem out of this awesome poetry collection you should see about checking out:
The Viking Book of Poetry of the English-Speaking World
Ed. Richard Aldington
c 1941, 1958 The Viking Press, Inc
New York, NY

22 April 2011

Rainy Day Housework

Sleepy afternoon,
but so much to do.
I wish I could shirk
all of this housework
in favor of a nap
with the dog on my lap.
But alas, the dishes
won't be washed through wishes.
And though it isn't fun,
vacuuming must get done.
Maybe I'll hire a maid,
when I get rich. One day.

20 April 2011


Walking along,
whether sand,
or grass,
something special happens
when I'm bare-footed.

Earth becomes tangible.
Grass feels fresh.
Clovers communicate
a special coolness which
brings back my childhood.

The burn of sand or sidewalk
on a sweltering summer day
reminds me to look where I'm going
and plan ahead.

The past, present and future
can all be felt
through the feet
if you know how to walk
through the world.

My body feels the Earth
coming up to meet me.
The pressure lets me know:
I am real,
I am here,
I am now.

*May 10: Included in Poetry Potluck Spring, Color, and Rainbows.

19 April 2011

Grandma and the King's Son

"Yes ma'am," the boy told grandma.
"Heard about you out here in the living room from mama.
About nine-thirty last night you were laughing, mama says."

"The king's son was there, in my dream," grandma explained.
"'Like meat loves salt' he claimed he loved me. I was young.
And when they got a right long ways off, his guards I mean,
squintin' squirrels were the only ones left to see us."

Grandma just laughed and hollered last night through the whole dream.
"The two boys slept on, too tired to notice," Mama added.

Found poem using arbitrarily selected first phrases on pages out of
Grandfather Tales, edited by Richard Chase.


Spring has come:
frogs are speaking up,
turtles are poking out their heads,
and the regenerated chlorophyll
of spring buds
adds verdant shadows
to the forest,
formerly only pine and brown.

While not a tropical rain forest
showing off all 520-570 nm,
the lawn
of grass,
wild leek,
and clover
makes a sort of mini-meadow.

Ferns appear again
as moss grows anew,
adding olivine
and kelly shades to the trunks.

No electric
or neon
colors here, in the suburban jungle's
natural verdigris.

No sapphire
or emerald
(no matter the cadmium included)
could ever replace my celadon dreams.

Rejoicing in the viridian revival,
I'll take some tea
with mint
to help me remember guppie days from youth
and know the joy of jade.

Every line includes a reference to green. Some are trickier than others. I found Wikipedia's List of Colors very helpful.

*May 10: Included in Poetry Potluck Spring, Color, and Rainbows.
**May 18: Given the Celebrate Poets of Summer Award by the Promising Poets' Poetry Cafe community 

17 April 2011


In the sunlit glade of a shaded forest
a special type of birth is happening.

For days, she ate and ate, storing up energy.
Then she wrapped herself in her brown blanket
and set all energies to her metamorphosis.

A week later, she emerges, and the struggle begins.
Pumping fluid through her veins, stretching new limbs
from folded masses into beautiful, graceful wings.

Thanks to Writing Forward for interesting and useful prompts.

16 April 2011

Moon Beam Dreams

Beautiful moon
looking down on me,
I look to you:
guide and protect me.

Help me to find
the way this night.
By full moon's light,
I'll travel right.

Round and full, you shine down
illuminating all the ground
so I may find my way around
without electric light of town.

Beneath your gaze
my body lays.
Not missing day,
I float away

into a dream.
Flying with dream's wings,
my mind does teem
with magical things.

15 April 2011


Aster: Greek for star.
And a star you are,
brightening my day
in a composite way.

Your bloom is many,
and hopefully plenty,
of tiny flowers
with attractive powers.

Each petal a bloom
enacting its own doom
so that the center
has many presenters.

The design is so plain
with one central gain:
to make more of these plants,
the reproduction dance.

A family favorite
and always a hit:
like an old friend to me.

--For those not in the know, Asteraceae is the family of plants which includes daisies, sunflowers, artichokes, and dandelions among many others.

14 April 2011

The Book Club

Exchanging parts of lives
Sharing shared experiences
Divulging differing experiences

We know we are all different.
We know we are all the same.
We know both statements are true.

Bridging gaps in time,
in space,
in thought.

Bridging lives.

13 April 2011

Not Hunting Rabbits

Rabbits run through the field.
Jasmine strains against the line.
Hunting is her job, and yet,
I won't let her follow the signs.

Come the season for such things,
I'll let her run to heart's delight.
Until then, though, we both must pull
To try to make things, as we see, right. 

For those who don't know, Jasmine my awesome dog.
Today's prompt said to only take five minutes to write the poem. Perfection and editing were strictly forbidden. I at least managed to tell a story and make it rhyme.

12 April 2011

National Library Week Haikus

It is National Library Week. I've always thought the library was a magical, wonderful, special place, sacred in its own way. As a kid, I cataloged all my books at home on note-cards in order to make my own little library. Good books should be shared, after all.

I believe libraries are very important and provide many valuable services. If nothing else, there's no way I'd have room or money to be able to keep all the books I want to read. Thank you, dear library, for providing me with the space to grow, explore, and learn.

AtYourLibrary.org (twitter: @atyourlibrary) is encouraging twaikus (haikus posted on twitter) about the library. In that spirit, here is my tribute to libraries and reading.

Wonder and knowledge
found between stacks and pages.
Library is home.

Travel other worlds
and explore throughout our own.
Books will get you there.

Want to learn something?
Do you need some adventure?
See the library.

Browsing the titles,
holding and touching the words,
nothing beats a book.

enriched by books, flourishes.
Let's all fantasize!

The librarian:
researcher, book-shelver, and
all readers' helper.

Resume advice,
discovering your career:
library can help.

You have a question:
look at your library's shelves.
So many answers.

Can't seem to find it?
Just ask a librarian.
They are there to help.

Budgeting lessons,
internet, meetings, and more,
for free? Library.

Especially for Uncle Shane:
Need quiet study
free from all home's distractions?
Libary's for you.

11 April 2011

The Road Oft' Taken

Two roads met up in a purplish glade
and there I met an old high school friend.
Long ago our goodbyes we had bade
as off we started our lives to pave.
Here we came, in age, to the same end.

We chatted a while and both looked back
and saw we had led different lives.
Although starting out on the same path,
I noticed she had something I lacked.
She took the more unusual track.

While both our paths had given us joy,
she had experienced more events.
She had helped the world through her employ.
taken a stand, and people cried, 'oh boy!'
when I had just sat there on the fence.

Looking back with my old tired eyes,
"Take a chance, get some experience"
I'll try to tell those children of mine.
I took the path more traveled by,
and that has made all the difference.

A mirror poem shows an opposite or complimentary point of view or theme compared to the original poem. In case you couldn't guess, I happen to enjoy Robert Frost's 'The Road Not Taken'.
I think my friend Catherine's mirror poem came out quite well.

10 April 2011

Guy in the red jacket

You'll never read this,
but rejection... is just so awful.

You had me at 'sorry, did i burn you?'
You serve me iced coffee sometimes.

Caught you looking!
I was eying you back.

I half-heard you say hey to me, so I didn't say anything back right away.
If only I could start a conversation with you.

Since I missed my chance,
just want you to know you're super cute.

Fate has an interesting way of working, and you tend to ignore the cues. It's ok, I do too.

Today's post is a collection of quotes from Missed Connections posts on Craig's List. Each line was taken from a different posting.
Found poems can be both fun and challenging. Also, I think they can be a good way to convey a shared experience, many points of view becoming one story.

09 April 2011


Curling into tendrils,  
Making complex yet simple shapes.
Wafting in my direction,
Drifting along with the air, 
Diffusing through the air.
Suffusing the air with its
Simple, sweet smell.

08 April 2011

Nursery Rhyme

Marky went for a walk one day
in the beautiful month of May.
He tripped on a log
and hit his nog.
Now he looks for things in his way.

07 April 2011

Day 7 Afternoon with a Friend

The bright smell of vines
strawberries, and dandelions,
of Tristan remind.

Could we have had more fun?

You remember childhood playing,
les enfants in the trees.
Lucky winnings were these.

06 April 2011


Waiting some more...
Waiting Forever...

OMG! I hear the door!


I love you!
I have a toy!
I love you!
Wanna see my toy?!
I love you!
(wag tail)
Why aren't you petting me?!

Oh yeah. (Sit)
I love you so hard.
Yay for pettings.
(wag tail)

Oh, you're sitting.
Nap time.

June 12: Included in The Poetry Pantry 53

05 April 2011

Day 5.2 Sometimes I Wish

Having finished today's oxymoronic poem, I was reminded of something I wrote probably more than 10 years ago, perhaps in 5th grade. Not too bad for a 12 year old.

Sometimes I Wish

Sometimes I wish
I could wish
The world away.
Sometimes I wish
I could wisk
My cares to bay.

Some problems are:
I'd set up a bar.
There won't be gladness
Without the sadness.
There can't be peace
Without the madness.

So when I wish
That I could wish
The world away,
I remember this:
There can't be love
Without the hate.

Day 5 Foul Perfection

Foul Perfection

If everything were perfect, we'd be bored.
No bliss without the helpful depression.
No freedom without a lovely tyrant.

The helpful destruction of what we know
is sometimes the only path to growth.
Hurricanes, floods, and wildfires:
nature's way to make space for new life.

Remember, when wishing for perfection:
happiness will get tired and overdone.

NaPoWriMo suggested using this Serendipitous Oxymorons Creator today. I played around with it some, and I found a few thought-provoking things:

foul perfection
lovely tyrant
helpful destruction
festive misery
blissful shame
putrid love
depressing optimism
fruitful terror
beautiful punishment

04 April 2011

Day 4 Springtime Walk of Elements

Springtime Walk of Elements

Today, I went for a walk with my dog.
The wind blew through, against, between the trees
making quite a ruckus, but a pleasant one.
Dandelions everywhere.
Clover patches abound.
Feeling the ground beneath my feet,
the wind in my face,
the sun on my skin,
the humidity in my pores,
I am connected to the ground,
the wind,
the sun,
the humidity:
the Earth.

02 April 2011

Day 3 - Predicting My Death

NaPoWriMo posted this prompt:
"Cesar Vallejo wrote a pretty famous poem that begins with him saying that he will die in Paris, in the rain, on a Thursday (different translations from the Spanish make it hard to quote precisely in English). So go ahead and write a poem predicting your own death — at night in Omaha at the Shell Station, in an underwater Mexican grotto after a dry spell. It’s less morbid than you think!"

Spring Rain

I will die on a Wednesday in May,
happy to have seen one last spring rain.
Any later, and summer will make it too hot for dying.
Any sooner, and I'll miss some of the best flowering.

It will be raining because that relaxes me,
and reminds me of growth, childhood, and magic.
Perhaps I'll have just finished drinking a bit of tea.
Maybe, I won't even have been sick.

Life, and death, sometimes just happen that way.
On a Wednesday,
in May,
after a spring rain.

And because I thought it would be fun, I have translated it into Esperanto. I have been learning this language, practicing a little bit every Monday by getting online to chat with others and visiting lernu.net where there are free Esperanto courses. I love this beautiful, wonderful language.

Esperanto was created by L.L. Zamenhoff in order to be everyone's second language. Because it didn't come from one nation or group of people, every one speaking it would be on even ground, as opposed to English being used at the UN meetings and native English speakers having an advantage in debates and discussions. Because there are no rule exceptions (such as oddly conjugated verbs), Esperanto grammar and structure are much easier to learn than most languages. There are about 900 roots, suffixes, prefixes, and main meanings, which can be combined to form over 100,000 words. This means learning even 100 roots can help you understand about 1000 words. Over one million people speak it fluently worldwide, and some schools teach it to younger children as a framework for learning other languages. Through local, national, and international meetings, Esperanto has also developed its own culture. The original idea was a language to help foster world peace and equality, so that feeling carries through all of the gatherings and interactions between Esperanto speakers.

Give the poem a read, and you may even see some words you can recognize.

Printempa Pluvo

Mi mortos unu merkredo en majo,
feliĉa vidis finalan printempan pluvon.
Pli malfrue, kaj somero faris lan veteron tro varma por mortado.
Pli frue, kaj mi mankis kelke de plej bonan floradon.

Pluvus pro tio ke malstreĉiĝas min,
kaj memorigis min de kresko, infanaĝo, kaj sorĉado.
Eble mi finis trinkadon iom teo.
Eble, mi ne estas malsana.

Vivo, kaj morto, kelkfoje okazas en tia maniero.
Unu merkredo,
en majo,
poste printema pluvo.

Day 2 of NaPoWriMo 2011 - Human v Universe

"Write a poem that incorporates the titles of three books you have in your house."

Human vs Universe
Technology and capitalism are our current American Gods.
Try remembering the magic of the universe.
Look to the night sky and practice Seeing in the Dark.
If you forget how fragile, small, and short-lived we are,
you'll forget how much the large, rich, city is really a City of Glass,
waiting to be shattered by nature and time.

American Gods - Neil Gaiman
Seeing in the Dark - Timothy Ferris
City of Glass - Cassandra Clare

It's National Poetry Month

In case anyone doesn't know, April is National Poetry Month. In an effort to encourage some creative thinking in myself, I've decided to participate.

There's a nifty site to help provide inspiration and encouragement. Check it out: NaPoWriMo

Day 1 was technically yesterday, so here's a make-up poem based on the first prompt provided by NaPoWriMo. This poetic form is known as tetractys, a type of cinquain.


Drank her water.
Like Dickinson, concerned with death, yet not.